Membership includes Vocation and Formation Directors across Canada as well as congregational leadership people and others dedicated to fostering a spirit of vocation culture across Canada. There is a Board of Directors drawn from across Canada as well as a part time paid Executive Director: Patti Walsh Connolly. The current President of the Board of NAVFD is Sr Mary Rowell, CSJ.
Membership Fees
For each congregation, diocese or organization, membership in NAVFD is for one person, includes a presence on our vocations.ca site and costs $250. Memberships for additional members from the same congregation, diocese or organization cost $125 per person.
- Greater exposure for your community through promotion on Vocations.ca
- Monthly newsletter
- Discount for bi-annual conference
- Access to vocation and formation resources
- Opportunity to participate in teleconference calls and webinars on matters related to vocation and formation ministry
- Stay current – receive the latest Canadian developments in vocation and formation ministry through conferences, publications, and networking with others in these ministries