Racism and any form of discrimination is always incompatible with God’s design and can never be tolerated. Every expression and action that excludes anyone represents a total disregard for human rights and dignity and it causes irreversible harm to humanity and ultimately to the whole of creation. Racism finds its grounding in fear and ignorance. It is a denial of the realities of interconnection and interdependence and the human and Christian call to relationship.

The National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors condemns racism and all discrimination, acts of violence against others and disregard for the dignity of any person. We commit to consciousness-raising regarding racism and all forms of discrimination and we call for dialogue, reconciliation and healing. We welcome the gift and beauty of unity in diversity that is the very essence of life, respect and care.

Engagement en faveur du respect et de l’inclusion Déclaration sur le racisme

Le racisme et toute forme de discrimination sont toujours incompatibles avec le dessein de Dieu et ne peuvent jamais être tolérés. Toute expression et action qui exclut quelqu’un représente un mépris total des droits et de la dignité de la personne et cause un préjudice irréversible à l’humanité et, ultimement, à l’ensemble de la création. Le racisme trouve son fondement dans la peur et l’ignorance. Il est un déni des réalités de l’interconnexion et de l’interdépendance et de l’appel humain et chrétien à la relation.

L’Association nationale des responsables des vocations et de la formation (NAVFD) condamne le racisme et toute discrimination, les actes de violence contre autrui et le mépris de la dignité de toute personne. Nous nous engageons à sensibiliser au racisme et à toutes les formes de discrimination et nous appelons au dialogue, à la réconciliation et à la guérison. Nous saluons le don et la beauté de l’unité dans la diversité qui est l’essence même de la vie, du respect et de la sollicitude.

As we are all navigating during these unprecedented times, we are unable to participate in the retreat in Saskatoon.

However, we will offer the retreat VIRTUALLY!

Begins Monday July 27 (later afternoon/early evening) to Thursday July 30 (late day).

Cost: $100 per person

Guiding our retreat experience will be the same: Sr. Bernadette O’Reilly, NDS and Fr. Larry Gillick SJ.

Registration is open! Visit aroundthewell.ca or contact ndscgen@rogers.com for more information and registration details.

Conference Postponement: The NAVFD Conference which was scheduled to take place from April 29-May 2, 2020 has been postponed to April 25-28, 2021.   It will still be taking place at the Sheraton Hotel in beautiful downtown St John’s, Newfoundland: same theme,  same keynote speakers  and same wonderful workshop presenters.

News of this postponement is disappointing and we hope to relieve your disappointment by announcing that we plan to have a few webinars over the next year on topics that you will find absolutely fascinating.

Watching this video is the best thing to do with the next 94 seconds.

Posted by National Association of Vocation/Formation Directors-NAVFD on Monday, January 27, 2020

The National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors (NAVFD) is actively engaged in the development of a vibrant action plan to enhance, serve, and support religious vocation ministry across the country. In order to accomplish this goal, we led the study “Recent Vocations to Religious Life in Canada,” a research project geared to providing the Canadian Church with the most up to date picture of new membership to religious communities throughout the country. This study, conducted in collaboration with the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), was made possible through the financial support of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.

The relevant information gathered through this study will serve as an accurate foundation for the development of an effective and comprehensive action plan in support of religious vocation ministry across Canada. It is our hope that the results of our research, made available in our websites, will assist all those engaged in vocation ministry as they attempt to strengthen, expand, and reimagine their work.

Download the report (PDF)

Download the appendices (PDF)

Download the small booklet (PDF)

Download the small booklet in French (PDF)

Save the Date!

The Board of NAVFD and the members of the Planning Committee are very excited to invite you to plan now to attend our conference from April 29-May 2, 2020 at the Sheraton Newfoundland Hotel in beautiful downtown St. John’s, Newfoundland!

We are very fortunate to have attracted three excellent speakers who will inform and inspire under the theme of ‘Calling to New Horizons’: Dr. Richard Gaillardetz, Sr. Margo Ritchie, CSJ and Fr. Daniel Horan, OFM. More information will be available soon.

This retreat is for Religious 55(ish) and under serving the people of God in Canada (or with Canadian connection).

The retreat invites us to ponder the habits of our heart that we need to embrace or abandon, to live and respond whole heartedly as younger Religious today in our communities, church and world.

Fr. Ron Rolheiser OMI, will walk with and lead us on our retreat. Our time will include input, silence, communal prayer and conversation.

When: July 14 — 19, 2019
Where: Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre
Cost: $775 (or $875 for en suite bathroom)
For information or registration contact: Céline Belliveau, ndsc

Download the poster for the retreat (PDF)

As further revelations of sexual abuse of children and of persons in vulnerable positions, perpetrated by clergy, religious and others in positions of leadership in the Church are reported, the Board of the National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors (NAVFD) issues the following statement.

Download the statement (PDF)

Sr. Nathalie Becquart, xav, is a member of the Xavière Missionaries of Christ Jesus, an apostolic religious institute rooted in the spiritual tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola (founder of the Jesuits). Sr. Nathalie is the former Director of the National Service for Youth Evangelization and for Vocations of the Bishops’ Conference of France. She is currently the Vice-President of the European Vocations Service. She acted as one of several coordinators for the Pre-Synod meeting of youth held at the Vatican in March 2018, and has been named as an auditor of the Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment at the Vatican during the month of October 2018.

For the second consecutive year a retreat was held for those living religious life who are new to their communities and/or 55 ish and under. Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI offered talks and facilitated our reflection time. The 20 young religious in attendance were able to bring their questions and desires to a casual atmosphere that included times of silent prayer, conversation, joy, and laughter over a 5 day period. In an effort to continue to extend support to all of the new and young religious in Canada (and Canadian religious living abroad) there are plans in place for a retreat next year and a new blog for young religious. More details are on their way so please stay tuned!!

We at NAVFD are thrilled to present the final report of the research study, “Recent Vocations to Religious Life in Canada” conducted for us by the Centre for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA). We are most grateful to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation for funding this amazing project.

Download the report (Large PDF – 20MB)

Download the appendices (PDF)